Suggestions for improving Amicus Cloud.

Abacus encourages and welcomes your suggestions for the improvement of Amicus Cloud, and thanks you for all of your ideas. You agree that in making those suggestions you recognize that Abacus is not obligated to compensate you for them, and that any intellectual property in them passes to Abacus. You also commit that in providing Abacus with any such suggestions you are not infringing anyone else’s intellectual property, and will indemnify Abacus and its employees, officers, directors, and affiliated companies, for all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses should it ever be held liable for using your suggestions.

Inter-office messaging ("Stickey Notes" that we had in Amicus Small Firm)

In Amicus Small Firm we had the option of creating a stickey note to "post" on someone else's calendar.
Suggested by: Shelly L. Kennedy (27 Feb, '18) Upvoted: 11 Jul, '23 Comments: 11
Under consideration Notes

I would like to print notes section of a file.

I would like to have the option to print notes from each file and the option to print a date range of notes per user.
Suggested by: Kelly Miller (04 Jan, '19) Upvoted: 14 Sep, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration Notes

Allow different font/bolding/italics/etc. in the note section of a specific task

In individual tasks, I add notes about the progress of that specific task. I would like to bold or italicize specific notes so they stand out.
Suggested by: Krystal (17 Jun, '20) Upvoted: 17 Aug, '20 Comments: 0
Under consideration Notes


Please add Notes to the command line with "Home-Email-Files-Calendar-Tasts-Contacts" etc. It would be convenient to add or modify a note without having to first ...
Suggested by: Penfield (02 Mar, '20) Upvoted: 16 Jun, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration Notes

Allow threads on notes

Establishing a thread for notes instead of having to open a prior note when drafting a note to a client.
Suggested by: Bob Blazak (30 Oct, '18) Upvoted: 11 Sep, '20 Comments: 0
Under consideration Notes

Allow User to Select Specific Dates or Notes in a File for Reports

As it is now, if you want to print a report for a hearing/trial, you either get all of the Appointments and Notes or none. It would be great to have the ability to ...
Suggested by: Glen Tschirgi (10 Feb, '19) Upvoted: 20 May, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration Calendar Notes Reports